“Can you talk more about your TK daily schedule?” I get this question a lot! Whether I’m posting about workshop time, morning meeting, or play, people are always interested how we structure our day. I have needed a lot of …
Daily Schedule
A Kindergarten Daily Schedule
Since I last wrote about our daily schedule, a few things have changed in our kindergarten classroom! The biggest difference has been the incorporation of rotations to teach math and ELA skills. Those two areas of our day, along with …
An Intentional Daily Schedule: Part 6 – Writer’s Workshop
With the final post in my Intentional Daily Schedule series, I’ll be talking about Writer’s Workshop and how you can structure it to support every kind of writer in your kindergarten classroom. So far, we’ve discussed Play Centers, Morning Meeting, …
An Intentional Daily Schedule: Part 5 – Reader’s Workshop
Does anyone else experience that magical transformation that their students seem to make every year during winter break? The one that shows up when they return during January and all of a sudden they can read entire books and write …
An Intentional Daily Schedule: Part 4 – Word Study
It has been a chilly, rainy first week back after winter break in SoCal! My students and I spent the majority of the week together inside the four walls of our classroom. Good thing I love them so much! 🙂 …